In one of Jorge’s visits I asked him to take me to where the accident had occurred and as we passed by, I offered a prayer in thanksgiving as I saw the pillars and wondered how he escaped from hitting one of the many. Only a miracle could explain it.
St. Michael the Archangel had an exceptionally special meaning for David. In the Catholic Church, each participant at Confirmation (a sacrament of initiation) gets to choose a Christian name such as a bible hero or of a saint and add it to his or her first and middle name. David chose Michael as his new name. He had a small figure statue, which reminded him to pray the St. Michael the Archangel protection prayer for him and others.
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. |
To my amazement, the church I found next to the nursing home happened to be called St. Michael The Archangel Catholic Church on West Flagler Street. Its parishioners were very welcoming and I enjoyed their music and how the priest would walk amongst us during the homily. One of the Sunday’s messages that deeply touched my heart referred to how the flesh is weak but the Spirit is strong. How the Holy Spirit will intercede for us when we are confused or in turmoil and helps us to bear the burden especially when life trials seem overwhelming. God was talking directly to me.

One of the issues we learned early on - was the fact that at the nursing homes it was nearly impossible to receive enough physical therapy. I feared David would not get the attention needed to regain muscle mass, range of motion and other important skills. When we were notified of an assessment the therapists would be conducting to evaluate if David was qualified for therapy, we activated every prayer group, every saint and angel in heaven.

That same day in the evening and without knowing about my earlier conversation with Rose, my mother said to me over the phone, "You are accompanying David in his journey". Something about those words touched my heart.
My new role as a companion had a significant perspective. I was still his mother but, this was different. David and I would spend a lot of time together. We would share experiences sometimes not expected or planned for. We would be constantly associated with each other. In our own identities, we would become comrades and serve one another. I prayed I would learn the role God invited me to be. |