One of Jorge’s favorite places was “El Palacio de los Jugos”. Tia Flor would prepare these fabulous meals especially when Jorge would be in town. Still to this day, he often requests I cook the “Mustard-Spinach baked chicken” she used to prepare.
Once in a while Ana Carolina or Eddy would cook and we would eat together. We also became big fans of “Pollo Tropical”. It was always special when Jorge was around.

Tony had been part of our family for over a decade. He was another son to us and a brother to all our children. They went to school together, worked out together, did martial arts together, break-danced together and grew in their faith together.
Jericho – 7th day – 7th month. I don’t recall the reason I recorded it but as it turned out… it would eventually reveal a unique chain of events that would again show God’s plan, His almighty love and mercy.
Removing the tracheotomy tube turned into a distressing task. My trust in the Lord grew tenfold during this process. David’s speech therapist believed he was ready for the swallowing test but the tube had to be removed first and the opening completely healed before we could ask for the test. Word had it that getting an appointment at the JM Hospital could take months. I was determined to make every effort possible so that all we would need was the authorization from the nursing home doctor to have it done.
I knew God was guiding us so I prayed that we would connect with the right person to answer the phone calls and those processing the requests. I prayed that as God would move the hearts of the people who were in charge of this procedure, they would respond to His voice in order to get this done. At first I got the run around, no one could tell me anything regarding the steps to take and the response was always that I had to wait for a call back. Nurse Wesley got me several phone numbers to bypass the gatekeepers. It was a trying moment. I didn’t give in to the thought that God had abandoned us. I knew His wonders and miracles are done through us so, I continued praying for everyone who in some way or form would get involved.

As we waited for the appointment from the hospital, David continued to show improvement. He started to be able to stay sitting up for 4 hours. His physical therapist, Coach Harold, as we called him, would come to stretch him and as I counted in English, Harold would count in Spanish to help David regain speech memory.

(St. Augustine). We think of all those who respond to the movement of their hearts inspired by the Lord to help accomplish His purpose in His divine plan for each other. We pray that we may never create a delay, an obstacle or block to these blessings by ignoring the calling to do the noble things that are placed in our hearts.
(Amos 3:7; 1 John 4:12; John 14:12)