We were eager to learn what the road to recovery would take us. David’s spirit was great and he remained enthusiastic to every exercise or method or stretching technique that anyone would introduce. David paid close attention when Jorge talked to him about all the friends that came to visit him at the hospital and read to him every message from the notebook we had at the hospital and every card that the children sent him from the Saturday dance class. |
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- One afternoon a young man dropped his bike in the middle of the road and ran to help me sit David in the wheelchair. We embraced and as I thanked him – he cried and thanked us.
- At adoration, we were given a scripture reading and the sacred heart novena, which we started immediately.

- As we were leaving from David getting a haircut, a man walking by said that as long as we believed, David would walk again. Jorge, Fernando and I turned around and said, “Amen, we believe”.
- When we saw on television Pope Francis visiting Cuba and celebrating mass, David became saddened because he couldn't take the Eucharist so we prayed to Jesus to come into our hearts.
- We spoke to Rose W, and she reminded us of God’s promises to take care of us. She also gave us the great news about Matthew making sounds at the nursing home in Miami. Matthew had been transferred with David to the nursing home from the hospital the same day with a severe brain injury as well.
- At a Sts. Peter & Paul’s King of Kings prayer night, Mr. Edwards prayed over David, Jorge and I and a profound joy invaded our hearts.
- As we walked through the Stations of the Cross, David became emotional and we came together in prayer.
Through this time, I remembered how Dr. Sanchez looked at David at Jackson Memorial Hospital and with such a sad look on his face kept repeating to me the severity of his injury. Now all I could think was that if he could see David’s progress he would certainly believe in the power of prayer and the healing the Lord was doing in him.
(Exodus 17:11-12)