I prayed that fear would not take over any decisions regarding us leaving the nursing home - while I dealt with the deep longing of going back home and caring for David myself in our own corner with our own routines, etc. I kept reminding myself that my deep love for David could not interfere with God’s divine plans. I had to learn to discern and keep my ears, eyes and heart open to see His signs.
We all missed David’s voice and wondered when he would speak again and which first word he would say. That same day a special friend told me not to fear because “there is no Apraxia for God”, to what invaded my heart with peace and hope.

To our surprise, Chris and Steven came to visit David. They had visited at the hospital and remained close to us with messages and prayers. They had been friends of our sons for over 15 years. They went to middle and high school together. They had played sports together, worked and partied together and we knew their visit would be special. At one point Chris told David - “I don’t know her”, - to what David burst into laughter with intensity. By remembering the inside joke, he demonstrated his long-term memory was working.

There had been so many accomplishments; I couldn’t wait for them to see how much David had improved.