There is strength in love. It would be ignorance to dismiss the love in praying for one another. When we grew tired and weary, others sustained our journey through prayer.
(Ephesians 6:10, 18; 1 Timothy 2:1; James 5:15)
We arrived at the Trauma Center around 2:30 am. Immediately they rushed us to see David who had fallen into a coma and was hooked to a respirator. It was so hard and surreal to see him in that condition. Ana Carolina had told us that he had squeezed her hand but now there was no movement. Jorge, Fernando and I let him know we were there with him. Fernando repeated to him to stay strong, Jorge watched in disbelief, I whispered, “I love you”, kissed his hands and we left. We all broke down. David had suffered a severe brain injury. The local news kept playing the video of David’s accident. The TV monitors kept showing how the motorcycle had crashed into a fitness building and exploded on fire. The first 24 hours were critical. We prayed. Then it was the next 48 hours and we celebrated at 48 hours 01 minute. Now it was the next 3 days, which represented the “peak period” for brain swelling. We prayed constantly. I asked Saints Cosmas & Damian, patrons of Surgeons and Doctors, to intercede for all the medical staff. Eddy told cousin Michael he would pray for a speedy recovery to what Michael responded to pray instead for a full recovery. That thought brought a different meaning and perspective to the process. We would learn to have a deeper appreciation for patience. We all wished David would open his eyes, start speaking and walking and we would all go back to our lives. Instead, we would be constantly reminded to place aside our emotional and psychological needs and patiently dedicate the necessary time needed for David’s full healing process. The church throughout the world stood by David every minute from the moment he arrived at the hospital. Friends and family in Miami, Orlando, Michigan, Puerto Rico, Ohio, Atlanta, Chicago, Alabama, Honduras, Costa Rica, France, Rome, Germany, Trinidad and so many other places were all praying for him. Eddy and Ana Carolina worked as a team with hospital paperwork and David’s personals. Jorge stood by my side. I did not leave the hospital day or night. If there were going to be a change for the better or worse I would find out first.
There is strength in love. It would be ignorance to dismiss the love in praying for one another. When we grew tired and weary, others sustained our journey through prayer. (Ephesians 6:10, 18; 1 Timothy 2:1; James 5:15) Comments are closed.
AuthorsMy son, David Arroyo and I, Ana Curras, collaborate together. This is our story. Our story because we are connected. We all are. When you hurt, I hurt, when you succeed, I succeed, when you have joy, I do too. It's in our design as human beings. Our story is intended to give hope, joy, encouragement and light. We pray to be inspired by our Creator, guided by Jesus Christ, moved by the Holy Spirit and accompanied by our Mother Mary. NOTE: Bible verses referred to in each post are linked to open to the verses for your convenience.
June 2024