David and Kimberly met around 2004 at Bayside Hut in Key Biscayne and dated for about 4 years. We all became very close to her. Even though they each went their own separate ways, they remain good friends.
David always kept a special space in his heart for Kimberly.
We all knew Kimberly’s visit would be important even if David was still confused and in a daze. I wondered what reactions would he have and if he would remember her at all. I prayed that her presence would spur new connections for David.

Then he started voicing with the Aaaaaaah like never before. I cried with happiness because in my heart, that was the reaction I had hoped for.
As she spoke to David, he saw she was wearing the ring he had given to her while they dated. It filled my heart with joy. For the first time he alluded to an event from his memory. I wondered what else he would remember.

Numerous garden shrines are modeled after these apparitions, and can commonly be found displayed in gardens and Churches.
At the front patio, David caught the ball in the air playing with Eddy and we all cheered.

It had been a day full of emotions. Before heading to Aunt Flor’s house, I stopped at the grotto to pray. I offered up my pain and sufferings.
When we offer up our sufferings, God does wonders with our humble offering.
(Mark 11:24; Jeremiah 33:3; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4)