God our Father kept saying not to fear and to trust him all along. I had to remember not to dwell into fear, because it would confuse and deceive me to believe the Father has abandoned us. That is a tough temptation to resist because it draws us away from God by loosing our faith. I just needed to open my heart and not fear during the “waiting” time.
The next few days David was in deep thought. He remained still and quiet.
The new speech therapist, Imbal, was pleased with David’s disposition in learning how to spell by dragging letters into place on an Ipad.

In the meantime, Aunt Flor had Ana Carolina cook at her house and together prepared a special feast. Noemy had prepared another feast at her sons’ Alex Javier’s apartment.
Uncle Hector and cousins Alex Javier and Hector Luis visited before joining the rest of the family for the Thanksgiving banquet. Visiting from Puerto Rico, cousins Cristina and her husband Chemi also came to spend some time.

Our Thanksgiving meant a special time to honor God and thank him for all His blessings. We were so grateful for being together. There is nothing like family. And it has nothing to do with spaces. It has everything to do with each others presence.