We would talk about how much he had practiced during high school for basketball, baseball and football and how, “practice makes perfect” so, every day we practiced and practiced and practiced some more.
I signed him in at the lobby and waited. It felt like an eternity before they called us to a window and after I explained the reason for our visit, the attendant mentioned that David was not on “the list”. My heart plummeted. The lady said David could not be seen and that we had to leave. I told her I had received a call confirming the appointment and I insistently begged her to check with a supervisor.
As she turned around, I wanted to cry but I had no time so I turned to prayer instead. I didn’t stop praying until the attendant came back to the window. I couldn’t read the decision by looking at her so, as she got set to tell me, I just held my breath ready to accept God’s will. She then proceeded to explain that there must have been a mix up because David was not on their list but that the pathologist was indeed waiting for him upstairs. I was so happy I had not left at the first obstacle but persisted on the task instead. I walked to the elevators as fast as I could as if there existed a possibility that someone would change their minds and turn us back.

The SLP began the test by introducing yogurt and as she showed David the spoon, he opened his mouth indicating his brain automatically responded to the action expected. I could see the food on David’s tongue. The radiologist in the small room said, “it was not good”. He had to propel the food to the back so that it would quickly pass through the pharynx and then into the esophagus or swallowing tube.
During my children’s school years sports events, I was their most spirited cheerleader. Now I felt like shouting, “go David you can do this”. The suspense was rising when all of a sudden David pushed the food to the back and down went the yogurt. We were all relieved. Then he tested for the applesauce, the thickened liquids and the cookies. Like a star, he tackled each sample and hit goal bite after bite. They congratulated us and off we went to share the victory.

Unbelievable – David would have his own breakfast being served. He would enjoy the fruit of his hard work and efforts.
As I left for the evening, I kissed him good night and whispered as he slept “Well played David, well played”!
(2 Cor 4:16-18; 2 Chronicles 15:7; Psalm 31:24)