We want to share the journey of our lives through the healing process of David who suffered a severe brain injury 4 years ago. Share the happy and sad moments, the joys, the fears, the doubts, the affirmations, confirmations and all the blessings along the way. I was moved to keep a journal since May 2011 not realizing that it would help remind us of God's presence in every circumstance and through the decisions made. 9 months after that day I learned that the journal was one of my duties... to record Jesus revelation to us every day, God's graces and blessings in our lives. May God bless your days as you read our journey and be inspired to search for Him who is always ready to embrace, strengthen and love you.
AuthorsMy son, David Arroyo and I, Ana Curras, collaborate together. This is our story. Our story because we are connected. We all are. When you hurt, I hurt, when you succeed, I succeed, when you have joy, I do too. It's in our design as human beings. Our story is intended to give hope, joy, encouragement and light. We pray to be inspired by our Creator, guided by Jesus Christ, moved by the Holy Spirit and accompanied by our Mother Mary. NOTE: Bible verses referred to in each post are linked to open to the verses for your convenience.
June 2024