I also prayed for the gift of speech for him and trusted it would happen at the appropriate time as well.

Then Eddy looked at me and with an authoritative confidence told me that he promised I would be home within the next 90 days, which meant by mid January. I knew moving back home entailed much and many people. It required the right decisions to ensure David would not loose any medical services. Even though I had already declared that I would stay in Miami regardless of how long it took, contemplating bringing David home soon infused a new vigor in me.
I wrote down on a poster board, the numbers 90 down to 1 and crossed out the 90. The next day we would cross out 89 and so forth. I told him to point at the number he thought we would be moving and he pointed on 35 and then pointed at 36.
The following week, Jorge flew to his niece’s wedding in Puerto Rico. He was saddened to leave us behind but had the mission of taking lots of pictures to show us when he would be back.
The staff would decorate the front lobby according to the festivity, which cheered up the home. Once the decorations for Halloween went up, it disheartened me to think we would spend the holidays at the nursing home.
Jorge had visited and requested information on short and long term stay, in-patient and outpatient at several places in Orlando for David. I began making phone calls and finding out the criteria and admission requirements. A representative from one of the facilities that Jorge liked the most, would be in town the following week and mentioned he could pass by to evaluate David and asses if he would be a candidate for their program.
David’s social worker had to arrange any changes in services so I spent some time with her explaining our plan of exploring various places in Central Florida and asked for her support and help.
All of a sudden it seemed as if everyone around us was on the same page and wanted us to know it was time to consider moving. I started making phone calls and researching for options.
We didn't know when or where but it felt as if the Lord was leading the way back home.